Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Patung Dalam Proses

Kami ingin memaparkan proses pembuatan patung di rumah produksi kami :
1. Setelah terjadi kesepakatan pemesanan barang dari pelanggan (memberikan jaminan uang 30% dari harga patung), kami segera memesankan batu sesuai dengan ukuran patung yang akan dibuat.
2. Bongkahan batu kemudian di proses/di pahat. Proses pemahatan kurang lebih 2-4 bulan tergantung besar kecilnya patung.
3. Setelah proses pemahatan selesai, patung di beri pelapis anti lumut/jamur.
4. Patung kemudian di pak dan siap untuk dikirim, namun sebelum pengiriman uang sisa pembayaran harus dilunasi ditambah dengan ongkos kirimnya.

We want to describe the process of making sculpture in our production house :
1. Following an agreement in ordering products from customers (to guarantee the money 30% of the price of the statue), we immediately ordered according to the size of the stone statue that will be created.
2. Boulder then in process/on chisels. Gouge process approximately 2-4 months depending on the size of the statue.
3. After the fretwork completed, the statue was given anti mildew coatings/mushrooms.
4. the statue later in the pack and ready to be sent, but before delivery of the remaining money must be repaid plus the payment of postage.

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